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EZ Product Commissions

List price: $79.99
You save: $30.00 (38%)

This product is electronically distributed.


This addon will allow you to manage commisions on products and categories.  A default commisison is available (optional) to be used when no other commisions are found.

Reports are available for commission tracking so you can pay your affiliates, artists or other commisionable entities regularly and keep track of what's been paid and what is currently earned.

Great for paying providers on 'per sale' items such as photographers, artists, software developers or anyone who provides you electronic or other bulk products that you sell on a consignment basis.


• Define commisions for products
• Define commissions for products within a category
• Use a default commission (optional) when no other commissions apply
• Commissions can be fixed amounts or percentages
• Report on commision earned, commission paid, etc.

Product Dommissions Documentation (product_commissions.pdf, 159 Kb) [Download]