Charity: Trauma Intervention Program of Portland/Vancouver
Our mission:
Our citizen volunteers will provide emotional first aid to survivors of tragedy in order to ease their immediate suffering and facilitate their healing and long term recovery. "Citizens Helping Citizens in Crisis"How we serve
TIP Northwest offers several services in association with our national headquarters. All services are provided by trained and dedicated TIP volunteers. The information below provides a broad overview.
School Crisis Response Team
A trained team of TIP adult and teen volunteers is available to assist schools in dealing with a crisis. Volunteers receive additional training to work with school counseling staff and crisis response teams to provide support.
As a member of the Clark County Safe and Civil Schools Task Force, TIP has been asked to act as a notification agent to local schools when there has been a death of a student or staff member. TIP staff works with the Clark County Medical Examiner to provide timely and accurate information about the death and if requested, will partner with the school to develop a comprehensive response plan.
TIP Line
A telephone information and referral service is available to help emotionally traumatized citizens. In Portland call 503-250-7643 and in Vancouver call 360-944-8918.
TIP National Emotional First Aid Course
This excellent 8-hour course is taught by one of two national "Master Trainers." This course is offered to emergency first responders, nurses, mental health professionals, chaplains, clergy, managers and the general public.
TIP offers services for children who have been emotionally traumatized and for parents struggling to help their children after a traumatic event. TIP will assist with resources and referrals and in the event that no immediate professional assistance is available and can help connect parents to free or low cost temporary mental health services.
Critical Incident Response Team
TIP volunteers receive extra training regarding responding to a major crisis or traumatic event that disrupts large groups or communities. The group is prepared to respond within a 3-hour radius of the Portland/Vancouver area.
Professional Mental Health Intervention
TIP will assist with resources and referrals and in the event that no immediate professional assistance is available, can help make connections to free or low cost temporary mental health services.
Client Resource Services
Helpful written materials and video tapes can be delivered to victims of a traumatic event on a 24-hour a day, 365-days a year basis.
Hospital Response Program
TIP volunteers are available to respond at the request of hospital personnel to assist victims and their families. Volunteers are trained in confidentiality and are familiar with HIPAA laws.
Good Samaritan Awards
Emergency responders and citizens who have demonstrated exceptional compassion in assisting victims of crisis events are recognized on a regular basis.
National Assistance Network
By partnering with TIP chapters nationwide, the local TIP chapter ensures that residents receive crisis support services while traveling away from home or if a death or traumatic event affects a citizen outside our response area.
Bilingual Services
Bilingual and bicultural volunteers are available to respond when requested. TIP resource materials are available in English and Spanish.
Travelers Care
The travel industry can call upon a TIP volunteer to assist when there has been a traumatic event involving someone away from his or her home. Volunteers will assist in making travel arrangements and any other needed help.
Traffic Accident Response Team
Specially trained TIP volunteers are familiar in working on a highway or dangerous accident site. Volunteers are familiar in law enforcement procedures.
Senior Crisis Response TeamA pair of TIP volunteers will offer follow-up services to senior citizens who have experienced a traumatic event in addition to the initial response. Volunteers will assist in establishing an on-going support system and making appropriate referrals as needed.